Christmas Party 2018

Mission and Board of Directors


The purpose of the Friends of Guadalupe River/Honey Creek, Inc. is to support the operations, projects, educational programs, and recreational resources of Guadalupe River State Park/Honey Creek State Natural Area. Specifically, the Friends will assist in interpreting the natural and cultural resources of the Park  and Natural Area to the visiting public, will help to preserve these natural and cultural resources, and will help to provide for the enjoyment and safety of visitors.

Become a Member

Legal Documents of the Association

Directors–Executive Committee:

Bob Morris

Bob Morris was born and raised in Bexar County, Texas. He and his wife, Kathy, returned to San Antonio in 2018 to make it their permanent home. Bob is a retired forester receiving B.S. and M.S. degrees from Texas A&M University and Louisiana State University.  He became a Master Naturalist with the Alamo Area Chapter in 2020. Bob is an active volunteer for Government Canyon SNA, the Witte Museum and GRSP/Honey Creek. One of his principle interests is to educate the public on Land Stewardship with a particular emphasis in native ecosystems and water resources.

Ed Van Reet, Vice President

Ed Van Reet was born in San Rafael California but was raised in Texas.   His interest in nature began in high school after taking an elective course in geology.   This interest in Earth’s physical structure and history continued through college and then to a professional career as a geologist.    Ed retired from Chevron Corporation after 36 years working as a petroleum geoscientist, project manager and supervisor.    He likes to say his interest in geology did not stop, it just switched from the subsurface to the surface.   With additional interest in hiking, biking and astronomy, since retiring Ed spends much of his free time outdoors.   In addition to volunteering at Honey Creek and Guadalupe State Park he serves on the boards for the Cordillera Nature Club and the Hill Country Chapter of Chevron Retirees. 

Dave Kibler

Dave Kibler, Secretary and Maintenance

Dave Kibler is director of maintenance volunteers. After retiring from AT&T, he worked for many years as a Boy Scout professional in San Antonio, where he lived until moving to Sage Oaks Subdivision in 1998.  His volunteer interests include the Native Plant Society of Texas, the Boy Scouts of America, the San Antonio-Bexar Kiwanis Club, the Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department Board, various genealogical societies, and his church choir. He is married to Judy and has 3 adult children. 

Bob Gray, Treasurer

Bob Gray was born in San Francisco, CA., then grew up in places around the world since his father was in the US Army.  He graduated from Alamo Heights High in San Antonio and Rice University in Houston. Since retiring from a long career as an electrical engineer, Bob volunteers in many areas associated with his strong love for the out of doors.  He and his wife, Nancy Gray, have volunteered as River Ranger assistants on the San Juan River in southeastern Utah for several years. A member of the Lindheimer Master Naturalists, Bob volunteers regularly at Guadalupe River State Park and Canyon Gorge.  

Other Directors:

Mackenzie Brown

Mackenzie Brown, Webmaster & Co-Historian

Mackenzie Brown was born in Santa Barbara, CA.  He graduated from Stanford University and Harvard University in the History of Religion.  He and his wife, Charleen Moore, became Master Naturalists with the Hill Country Chapter in 2017.  They were introduced to Honey Creek as part of their training for the class and fell in love with the place.  They began leading hikes there in 2018.  After retiring from Trinity University in San Antonio after 45 years in 2018, Mackenzie, with his wife, has become a co-historian for the Friends.  

Brady Hansen, Honey Creek hike reservations coordinator

Brady Hansen was born in Monterey CA., but learned to walk on a ship bound for Japan, being a member of a military family.  It was not until 2004 that she finally put down roots in the Texas Hill Country.  After retiring as a Senior Project Controller for a high-tech management consulting firm, she decided to direct her enthusiasm and energy toward conservation and the protection of natural habitats and resources.  With Guadalupe River SP and the pristine Honey Creek State Natural Area being practically in her own backyard, she ran for an ‘at large’ board position, giving her the flexibility to serve where she is needed the most.

Nancy Gray, Honey Creek hike coordinator

Nancy Gray is a retired engineer who now spends the majority of her time volunteering in the out of doors and at church. Nancy is the Director of hikes for the friends group. She coordinates the Honey Creek hikes and guides. It is Nancy who will find you a guide if you want to schedule a special hike. She has a strong love for the out of doors, in particular rivers. Nancy has volunteered with her husband for the past 10 summers as a river ranger assistant on the San Juan River in southeastern Utah. She  is a member of the Lindheimer Master Naturalists.  

Lucy Cruz Hudson

Lucy Cruz Hudson has lived in various parts of the US.  She and her husband were captivated by the allure of the Hill Country.  Upon retirement, they relocated from South Texas to this beautiful region.   She is deeply passionate about volunteering, learning, and giving back to her community.  This dedication to volunteerism was instilled in her at a very young age, a value she still holds dear.  While living in Houston, she volunteered with the Fort Bend Junior Service League – Sustainers and served on the board.  She was also actively involved with and subsequently a board member with Parks Youth Ranch, Richmond TX, whose mission is to provide emergency shelter, counseling, and life-changing service to abused and neglected youth.  For the past 5 years, she has been a volunteer firefighter with the Bergheim VFD, serving as an Engineer, Public Information Officer, and Board Member.  She also volunteers with the Purple Heart Project in Boerne, Texas.  She graduated from the Texas Master Naturalist—Hill Country Chapter in 2023.  She is dedicated to the preservation of Texas’s natural and cultural resources.  

Mary Habib

Mary Habib

Mary Habib, originally from Boston, holds a B.S. from the University of Rhode Island, and an MBA from National University. Her 40-year career with the Department of Defense, took her to assignments all around the U.S. She retired as a Senior Leader from the Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) in 2023. Mary is a Texas Master Naturalist and is a Certified Guide by the National Association for Interpretation. She is passionate about volunteering to share knowledge and appreciation of Honey Creek and Guadalupe River State Park.


John Lack

John Lack

 John Lack was born in Reading, PA, raised in Tulsa, OK and relocated to Fair Oaks Ranch, TX, in 2004. John retired from his 50-year career in the financial industry at the end 2020. John and his wife Pamela became Texas Master Naturalists with the Alamo Chapter in 2021 to enhance their love of the outdoors.  RVing, birding, hiking, and fishing are among the many and outdoor activities he enjoys. John’s passion for volunteering began in the 1990’s with Habitat for Humanity, while participating in a year-long Leadership Tulsa program. Being retired has allowed John to expand his volunteer activities to include nearby state parks, city parks and nature centers.

Pamela Lack

Pamela Lack was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, but was raised and spent most of her adult life in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  In 2004 she and her husband, John, moved to Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas.  After 45 years in the orthodontic field, Pamela retired.   Since retiring, she and her husband John have pursued their interests in camping and hiking.  Outdoor activities have always been Pamela’s favorite way to spend free time with scuba diving, running, skiing, camping and gardening being a few of her hobbies.  Pamela & John learned about the Texas Master Naturalist program while on a guided hike in Honey Creek State Natural Area and thought it a perfect retirement endeavor.   Volunteering at Guadalupe State Park and the State Natural Area is a perfect fit as Guadalupe State Park is a favorite camping destination.  

Doug Starasinic

Doug Starasinic

Doug Starasinic was born in Illinois but moved to the Houston area while in grade school.  He made regular trips to the Hill Country and especially the Guadalupe River during his teenage years growing up in Houston.   He moved to San Antonio in 1997 and has called this home ever since.  Doug’s parents, son, and sister all live in this area. Doug has worked in the mechanical design and construction areas during his career concentrating in the retail grocery business.   He is a Texas A&M graduate and has his Professional Engineering license as well as being trained in Project Management (PMP).  Doug is currently training as a Master Naturalist and intends to spend his retirement years conserving and enjoying our natural areas.

Charleen Moore

Charleen Moore, Co-Historian

Charleen Moore is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana.  She arrived in Texas in 1973 to direct the cytogenetics lab at the UT Medical School in Houston.  In 1982, she moved to the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, where she directed the cytogenetics lab, taught medical genetics, anatomy, and the history of anatomy.  When she retired in 2017, she immediately took the Texas Master Naturalist class with the Hill Country Chapter, and soon began volunteering at Guadalupe River State Park as an interpretive guide in the Honey Creek State Natural Area.  She also serves as the co-historian of the Friends, along with her husband, Mackenzie Brown.