Nancy Gray, Honey Creek hike coordinator (term expires 12/31/2026)
Nancy Gray is a retired engineer who now spends the majority of her time volunteering in the out of doors and at church. Nancy is the Director of hikes for the friends group. She coordinates the Honey Creek hikes and guides. It is Nancy who will find you a guide if you want to schedule a special hike. She has a strong love for the out of doors, in particular rivers. Nancy has volunteered with her husband for the past 10 summers as a river ranger assistant on the San Juan River in southeastern Utah. She is a member of the Lindheimer Master Naturalists.

Lucy Cruz Hudson (term expires 12/31/2026)
Lucy Cruz Hudson has lived in various parts of the US. She and her husband were captivated by the allure of the Hill Country. Upon retirement, they relocated from South Texas to this beautiful region. She is deeply passionate about volunteering, learning, and giving back to her community. This dedication to volunteerism was instilled in her at a very young age, a value she still holds dear. While living in Houston, she volunteered with the Fort Bend Junior Service League – Sustainers and served on the board. She was also actively involved with and subsequently a board member with Parks Youth Ranch, Richmond TX, whose mission is to provide emergency shelter, counseling, and life-changing service to abused and neglected youth. For the past 5 years, she has been a volunteer firefighter with the Bergheim VFD, serving as an Engineer, Public Information Officer, and Board Member. She also volunteers with the Purple Heart Project in Boerne, Texas. She graduated from the Texas Master Naturalist—Hill Country Chapter in 2023. She is dedicated to the preservation of Texas’s natural and cultural resources.