2:00 pm Christmas for the Birds

Held in front of the Discovery Center

Join us to make a bird feeder ornament for our feathered friends this holiday season! All...

5:00 pm Twilight Hike

Amphitheater behind the Discovery Center.

Join us for a winter twilight hike! Wear good walking shoes, dress for the weather, and...

10:00 am Rudolph Ranger Run

Meet at Day Use parking lot

Christmas may be done but a lead reindeer has to stay in shape! Kick off a...

2:00 pm Geocaching 101

Amphitheater behind the Discovery Center.

Join us for Geocaching, a high-tech treasure hunt you can do anywhere in the world using...

3:30 pm Young Naturalists Children’s Program

Mammen Family Public Library, Bulverde - (830) 438-4864

Join Ranger Holly every month for Young Naturalists! We’ll find out about nature, read a story...

9:00 am Trout Fishing with the Rangers!

Held at the River in the Day Use area -- at the bottom of the large stairs

The Fisheries Department is stocking more than 1,000 Rainbow Trout at the park today! Bring your...

5:30 pm Twilight Hike

Amphitheater behind the Discovery Center.

Join us for a winter twilight hike! Wear good walking shoes, dress for the weather, and...